
Our 政治研究 program explores the intricate political landscape of the United States, the vibrant contributions of its communities, 政治制度的运作, 还有更多

professor adrian pantoja teaches a political studies class


  • Explore the four sub-fields of 政治研究: 
    • Political Philosophy: Engage in concepts including authority, 法律, 自由, 权利, 平等, 正义, 国家. 
    • Comparative Politics: Compare the domestic politics and policies of the U.S. 以及世界上其他国家. 
    • Global Politics: Examine the relationships between nation-states and the forces that give shape to the global political system.
    • U.S. 政治:深入美国.S. politics and public policy and the power and influence of communities such as African American, 亚裔美国人, 拉丁裔政治. 
  • Your coursework is designed to examine political powers, 利益, 机构, 选择, 值, 以及治理的过程. 



  • 文学学士








  1. 理论: You will understand the philosophical underpinnings of political phenomena and evaluate and employ different theories in the discipline to analyze and explain political outcomes.
  2. 方法: You will be able to analyze politics from a variety of methodological approaches and understand the advantages and limitations of each.
  3. 研究: You will be able to conduct original research that engages ongoing debates in the discipline and applies appropriate research design methods.
  4. 表达式: 你将学会思考, 写, and speak criti呼叫y and insightfully about political phenomenon and how to apply these skills to enhance active citizenship.
  5. 多样性: You will understand many of the diverse political experiences and philosophies of various identity, 社区, 和美国的文化团体.S. 在世界各地.


For more information and resources, visit the 政治研究实地小组 page. 


Satisfactory completion of twelve (12) courses in 政治研究. 这些必须包括:

  1. Two introductory classes (choose from POST 020 PZ, 后030 pz, 后040 pz, 后050 pz, 及POST 060 PZ). These introductory courses should be taken at Pitzer.
  2. POST 070 PZ – 研究 Methods in 政治研究 
  3. At least one course in each of the four sub-fields: U.S., Comparative, Political Philosophy, and Global.
  4. At least three upper-level courses in one of the four sub-fields (upper-level courses require that appropriate introductory-level courses have been taken).
  5. A senior seminar, which includes a major research paper.

Students are strongly encouraged to take the two required introductory courses in their first year. POST 070 PZ will normally be offered in the fall and is best taken by students in their sophomore or junior years.

毕业论文: Those students who wish to 写 a senior thesis must present a proposal or paper to the 政治研究实地小组 at the end of the prior semester for approval.

政治研究 majors intending to pursue graduate study or careers in politics and public policy are strongly recommended to take:

  • 统计(e.g. 邮政091 pz /经济091 pz)
  • 2年语言学习
  • 宏观经济学和微观经济学
  • A survey course in modern world history and another history course appropriate to one’s focus of study
  • An off-campus internship in a political organization. Some Pitzer 出国留学 and Community Engagement programs provide such opportunities.

Students may not major in Politics or Government at any of the other colleges in the consortium, as these fields are equivalent to 政治研究.


Exceptional students with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better may be awarded honors in 政治研究 on the basis of the excellence of their work in the major and on a senior thesis.

Students who wish to combine a major in 政治研究 with a major in 经济学 must meet all requirements for the 政治研究 major with the exception that the student needs to complete a total of eight (8) courses and a senior seminar in either 政治研究 or 经济学. Combined majors with other fields will be arranged on a case-by-case basis.


Satisfactory completion of six (6) courses in 政治研究. 这些必须包括:

  1. Two introductory classes (choose from POST 020 PZ, 后030 pz, 后040 pz, 后050 pz, 及POST 060 PZ). These introductory courses should be taken at Pitzer.
  2. Three upper-level courses in one of the four sub-fields: U.S., Comparative, Political Philosophy, and Global
  3. One additional course in another of the four sub-fields

Students may not minor in Politics or Government at any of the other colleges in the consortium, as these fields are equivalent to 政治研究.




  • 政治学副教授
  • 政治研究实地小组


  • Fletcher Jones 政治学副教授
  • 政治研究实地小组


  • 政治学教授/Chicano Studies
  • 政治研究实地小组
  • 拉美裔研究小组
Lako Tongun的肖像

Lako Tongun

  • Associate Professor of Critical Global Studies and 政治研究
  • 关键全球研究领域小组
  • 政治研究实地小组


  • 政治学助理教授
  • 政治研究实地小组


  • 政治学教授
  • 政治研究实地小组




在比萨, the study of history is an invitation to unravel the intricacies of our world—its political boundaries, 经济系统, 社会结构, 文化习俗

  • 文学学士


作为一名经济学专业的学生, you'll study how the Earth's limited resources are used, 生产和分配理论, and how our 选择 affect global economies

  • 文学学士


What drives globalization and economic nationalism? 国际政治经济学 majors explore the structures, 层次结构, and power dynamics that impact economies and influence the distribution of resources. 

  • 文学学士